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History of Russia: from ancient times to 1917 , UDC: 93/94 + 324 + 323.2 DOI: 10.25688/20-76-9105.2024.54.2.01


  • Sorokin Alexander A. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article, based on the materials of a private provincial periodical, for the first time examines the assessments given by the public to changes in the city electoral system according to the City Regulation of 1892. The attitude of the editorial offices of provincial newspapers to the problem of the need to update legislation on city elections is shown. The main norms of the City Regulation of 1892 are highlighted, which received positive assessments: a reduction in the number of voters, the introduction of simplified self-government, a change in the procedure for granting powers of attorney for women to participate in elections, the refusal to divide voters into categories, the possibility of holding precinct elections. The problem of the Jewish question in the city electoral system is considered and its assessment is given by publications from regions with a significant number of Jewish population. The problem of the attitude to property qualification as the basis of electoral law is shown, due to the fact that the legislation did not take into account the personal and business qualities of voters, as well as their educational qualification. The article describes the discussions on granting voting rights to apartment tenants, related to the expectations of the provincial public about expanding the number of voters at the expense of intellectuals who did not have large property, but were interested in participating in city government and possessed the necessary professional qualities.

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Sorokin, A. A. (2024). THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM ACCORDING TO THE CITY REGULATION OF 1892 IN THE ESTIMATES OF THE PROVINCIAL PERIODICAL PRESS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (54), 6. https://doi.org/10.25688/20-76-9105.2024.54.2.01
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