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Evolution of International Mechanisms for the Mechanisms for the Recognition of Qualifications: from Regional Conventions to the Global One

Criticism. Reviews. Publicism


  • Kovalenko Sergei Aleksandrovich Director of the Center for Comparative and International Education of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: sergeirudn@gmail.com
  • Tkach Gennadii Fyodorovich Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), senior researcher, associate professor of Comparative Educational Policy department, UNISOP, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. E-mail: gftkach@yandex.ru
  • Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, full professor, rector of the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, academician of the Russian Academy of Education. E-mail: rector@rudn.ru
1. 1. Kovalenko S.A., Tkach G.F. Modernizaciya pravovoj osnovy' akademichesko-go priznaniya v Rossijskoj Federacii // Ezhegodnik rossijskogo obrazovatel'nogo zakonodatel'stva. T. 10. M.: Federal'ny'j centr obrazovatel'nogo zakonodatel'stva, 2016. C.165-173.
2. 2. Filippov V.M. Internacionalizaciya vy'sshego obrazovaniya: osnovny'e tendencii, problemy' i perspektivy' // Vestnik RUDN. Seriya: Mezhdunarodny'e otnosheniya. 2015. Sentyabr'. T. 15. № 3. S. 203-212.
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