- Lavrentieva Maria Yrevna Ph. D.
This article is a brief survey of the results of research work on the text of the Ramesseum dramatic papyrus (RDP). The main purpose is to share the personal experience of step-by-step understanding the levels of the deep sacral sense of this (complicated for our modern consciousness) ancient dramatic text. Finally the author came to the following conclusion. The text of the RDP and performing its rituals served the high divine purpose: to restore disturbed world order after the great evil — the murder of the king Amenemhat I. Performing the rituals based on the Osiris myth had both to provide peaceful existence to the dead king in the Underworld and bring harmony and prosperity to the reign of the living king Senusret — the son and legitimate heir of Amenemhat.
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Lavrentieva, M. Y. (2019). Microstickies Monuments and the Iconography of the Cult of Mithras in Roman Empire Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2019, №3 (35), 90-97.
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