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Place of Angola in the Confrontation of the USA and the USSR in Southern Africa (1975–1991)

General history


  • Krisenko Dmitrij Sergeevich Ph.D. (History), docent, Political Science and Law department, Shevchenko LSU (mamaj@rambler.ru).
1. 1.   Bogaturov AD. Sistemnaya istoriya mezhdunarodnyʼx otnoshenij 1918–2008. T. 3: Sobyʼtiya. 1945–2003. M.: Aspekt Press, 2010. 520 s.
2. 2.   Vasilʼkov V. V. Politika SShA v Afrike yuzhnee Saxaryʼ v 70-x – nachale 80-x godov: dis. ... kand. ist. nauk. M., 1984. 337 s.
3. 3.   Davidson A.B. Moskovskaya Afrika. M.: Izd-vo Teatr. in-ta im. Borisa Shhukina, 2003. 220 s.
4. 4.   Zaude Zeleke. Vneshnyaya politika stran Afriki v 1970–1980 gg.: (na primere Angolyʼ, Eʼfopii, Kongo i Mozambika): avtoref. dis. ... kand. istor. nauk. M., 1991. 22 s.
5. 5.   Kalʼvokoressi P. Mirovaya politika. 1945–2000. Kn. 2. M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshe-niya, 2003. 448 s.
6. 6.   Lavrenov S.Ya., Popov I.M. Sovetskij Soyuz v lokalʼnyʼx vojnax i konfiktax. M.: AST; Astrelʼ, 2005. 778 s.
7. 7.   Xazanov A.M. Istoriya Angolyʼ v Novoe i Novejshee vremya. M.: In-t vostoko-vedeniya, 1999. 390 s.
8. 8.   Rodriges A.M. Istoriya stran Azii i Afriki v Novejshee vremya. M.: Prospekt, 2009. 512 s.
9. 9.   Gates R.M. From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War. N.-Y.: Simon & Schuster, 1997. 608 p.
10. 10.   Gleijeses P. Conficting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959–1976. Raleigh: The University of North Carolina Press, 2001. 576 p.
11. 11.    Kaplan S.S. Diplomacy of Power. Soviet Armed Forces as a Political Instrument. Washington: Brookings Inst., 1981. 733 p.
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